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My story of spiritual healing abilities.

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

While scrolling through social media online, you may notice individuals who call themselves

guides, healers, or coaches who are not much more than "spiritual swindlers" looking for

the financial gain of those pursuing help.

Genuine spiritual healers intend to empower others, and then there are those taking

advantage of individuals in a vulnerable state. And those lurking on the other side of the

"transcendent veil," claiming to be able to heal you, are "spiritual swindlers" with minimal

to no training or abilities in the practices they promote.

Individuals are fed up with scandals and hypocrisy and readily aspire for solace in

alternative ways of spiritual manifestation that will direct them on their healing journey to

becoming better, happier beings.

Spiritual swindlers, as we will call them, enhance their bank accounts by charging thousands

of dollars for various services, including workshops, seminars, retreats, and spiritual

counseling sessions. The results? You are left more broke and damaged than before!

I recognize taking a chance on someone with your emotional and mental health on the line

is scary and vulnerable. I was recently made aware that some individuals are paying up to

$15k for treatments (or worse yet more!), with little to no results- tarnishing the reputation

of all authentic healers. Through a higher calling, I understood I had to write this post to

raise awareness and support those seeking help through healing to bypass a potentially

expensive disaster.

Finding a Healer, Coach, Psychic, or Channeler can be challenging, significantly when our

emotions and energy have been impacted, making us even more vulnerable.

"I no longer look for the good in individuals; I forage for the real because while good is

usually dressed in fake clothing, real is unclothed and proud despite the scars."

From as young as 18, I recall in my first manifestation workshop, others in the group

manifested money and materialistic things. In contrast, I wanted to manifest peace within

me spiritually, mentally, and in perfect health because with that, I can do anything, creating

a career where I will be happy to go to work every day.

In this state, we can be susceptible to placing our energy in a healer or coach who may need to align with us, affecting the guidance we receive. Which often can lead us to feel confused

without any direction. Something that has never sat right with me is those "spiritual swindlers" with empty words and selling promises of healing without any real sense of accountability, hindering the recovery of those already suffering.

I can't get past overpriced healing treatments and abundance rituals, the refusal to

acknowledge the importance that spirituality is all about oneness, assisting one another,

helping each other up, and to have a higher purpose in life than just enjoying materialistic

goods. Any service provider in spirituality must, with no exception, be driven by the desire

to be of service to humanity.

Healing Transforming Lives came to light, manifesting into my life when I knew I had to

make a difference, and my calling in life was to share my gift with others to allow them to

heal. My own personal healing journey was not easy, but I always knew there was

something "different" about me.

My journey

As a child, my parents always told me I had a gift and that I was born with a veil. Unaware of

what that meant at the time, I recall thinking, "Wow, if seeing things like shadows and

people that had passed away was a gift, I wanted no part in it." Then, when I got married at

age 17, my wish came true, and I stopped seeing things, which brought me tremendous

relief at the time, and I was happy to see them gone.

"People raised on love see things differently than those raised on survival." - Joy Marino

Like many, I have suffered growing up through childhood trauma, with all I endured leaving

me feeling continually anxious, but I always made time to speak to myself in the mirror. At

that time, I also had no concept that mirror work had already begun for me. I would stand in

front of my reflection and tell myself proudly, "You will always be triumphant in whatever

you set your mind to, you will have everything you didn't have as a child growing up, and

I'm always going to love you."

As a result of my childhood trauma, I decided to get married young to escape the house

and uncover my "happily ever after." Initiating that journey with my husband at 18, we were

gifted with our first son. His arrival in this world inspired me to find the strength to get up

and do something with my life. With the dream of working in the corporate world, I went to

college and achieved that dream at 22, allowing me to buy my first home as my family

began expanding with our second child. But as I continued to evolve, I noticed

negativity within my marriage, and it became crystal clear that this may not have been my

"fairy-tale ending."

"Do not seek healing at the feet of those who broke you." - unknown

Faced with the tough decision of divorcing my husband with 2 small children was the most

daunting experience of my life. Finding courage by joining a women's group of women in

their 40s and 50s, with a world of experience and knowledge that gave me the confidence

to open up and gather the courage to leave my husband. At 25, I started therapy and

admitted I was unfulfilled in my relationship. I no longer feared the decision as I knew I

would be just fine as I was the primary provider and had a promising steady career. But

above all, promising that my children would always have a wholesome relationship with

their father.

After my divorce, I had no alternative but to move back home at 26, where

anxiety/depression hit hard. I hid my hardships behind a smile and positive outlook on life,

continuing with therapy unbeknown to the outside world I was suffering. After working for

the company I had been working with for 9 years, they closed the business, and I was left

jobless as a single mom of 2 kids, which was my rock bottom. I couldn't bear it and ceased

doing things I adored because I was so frightened and felt like a failure.

My pursuit of alternative medicine options started when I understood something had to

change in my life, longing to find deep, internal happiness that was lost along the way. My

cousin Ale was the first to introduce me to energy work, which would become a pivotal life-

changing moment. I was amazed and wanted to learn more, knowing that energy work was

my calling.

Taking my first channeling Class while studying awoken that little gifted girl who once could

envision things... But this time, I relished this gift, and thanks to exemplary mentors

supporting me and guiding me, I realized just how uniquely special my gift was.

As I was healing, I learned to become best friends with anxiety and depression, as, like

everything, they manifested into my life for a reason and made me who I am today.

Unlocking the door to helping others by giving them the tools they require to heal and

guiding others to awaken their gifts because we are all gifted.

"You truly are what you manifest and have the power to bring it to life positively."

Even though I can envision more, even after 14 years of working with energy healing,

coaching, and mentoring, I don't consider myself a "psychic" because we all have the

power to shift our vibration to something positive.

It's hard to know what sort of intentions people have. Sadly, there's just no telling what lurks

around the corner.

Above all, I firmly acknowledge that we need to truthfully "trust our gut instincts,"

maintaining self-compassion while offering ourselves the space and time to let our intuition

do its job.

Uncovering the right healer for your journey is a daunting process, sometimes damaged by

the hope of being dashed by "spiritual swindlers" looking to profit from vulnerable


"Healing takes courage, and we all contain courage; some may have to dig a little deeper

to find it."

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